Q. You offer same day service but why do my clothes usually take 2-3 days to be done?
A. Each time we run a load in our 50 pound capacity machine, we separate the clothes according to fabric, color, and level of cleaning needed. In order to avoid possibly damaging the machine, we try to fill a half-load for efficiency. If you truly need same day service, please have it in before 10 A.M. and we can ensure that it will be done by that afternoon.
Q. Why is there a price difference between men's clothing and women's?
A. Men's clothing tend to be simpler in design and therefore easier to clean and press. Women's clothes are generally more elaborate, delicate, and takes longer to press. For example, when we dry clean a blouse, we may have to wrap each individual button with foil to prevent damage, then separate the item into a different mesh bag (i.e. silk), and then hand press the entire blouse.
Q: Are the plastic coverings you put on clothes good when storing my clothes?
A: No. Remove the plastic covering your garments as soon as you get home. The plastic cover we place over your cleaned garments is NOT suitable for long term storage. Its sole purpose is to protect the garments from the elements and mishaps on the way home. Leaving our plastic covering on the garment for any exteneded period of time could cause trapped moisture, staining and fiber deterioration. If you want to protect the garment from dust and airborne particles, cut a hole in a clean, unbleached sheet and drop it over the item.
Q: Is there really an advantage to having comforters and blankets professionally cleaned over home laundering?
A: Yes. Professional cleaners have the ability to determine the best means of cleaning such items (drycleaning versus laundering) to aid in maintaining the comforter or blanket's insulative and thermal qualities.
If the item is drycleanable, it is exposed to less risk of shrinkage. Drycleaning solvents cause less shrinkage than cleaning in water,
Comforters and blankets that can be laundered still have an advantage when professionally cleaned, as the machines are much larger than home washing machines. Large items such as comforters can get cleaner in a commercial sized washer and have more room in a professional sized dryer to dry evenly, which promotes even distribution of the fill contained in the comforter.
Q: What determines whether a garment should be drycleaned or laundered?
A: All garments at Blue Ribbon Cleaners are cleaned according to the manufacturer's specifications.
Federal laws require that all clothing manufacturers provide cleaning instructions, generally found on the tag at the back of the neck. Determining proper cleaning instructions is the responsibility of the manufacturer. These tags are supposed to provide information about the fabric from which the garment is made and special care instructions on how to clean it.
Garments should either state "Dryclean Only" or "Launder" and list additional symbols that are understood by drycleaners worldwide. These symbols instruct the cleaner on special instructions such as type and temperature of solvent, cleaning times, drying and pressing instructions, etc.
Misprinted or missing labels are often the culprits of a garment that is improperly cleaned and experiences damage.
Q: Why has the color in my suit jacket faded and the pants have not? I have them cleaned at the same time.
A: Despite the fact that the suit is made from the exact same material, sometimes during manufacturing, one component may be cut from one bolt of material, and the other component's fabric cut from another.
Because dyes are not 100% consistent in all types of fabrics, it is possible to end up with two different shades of the material after cleaning